On Air

From the BIRSt Vault


Vicky O’Connell

Vicky is the Comedy Commissioner for BIRSt and is on the look out for great new comedy for Radio. This varies from sit-coms to sketch shows or panel shows to quizzes: anything that will tickle her funny bones!

Vicky is a dedicated lover of BBC 6 Music and Radio 4. She enjoys a good laugh, art, culture and history and also likes dogs and crisps….although not necessarily in that order.

When asked, Vicky mentioned her dream job would be to be a manager of a stationary shop on a desert island where she could host her own radio show in the evenings.

The weirdest, most wonderful thing about Vicky is that she owns a lock of the late great Joan Rivers’ hair which she scooped up from QVC Shopping Channel whilst there as a guest. Vicky can also tie a cherry stalk in a knot using only her mouth!


Contact: s4930392@bournemouth.ac.uk

Vicky O’Connell,