-BLOG- : featuring extended feature.
Mental Health is something that we still struggle with talking about. More-over, it is something that figures show a minority of; something which should be addressed. Depression isn’t just a list of symptoms, depression is something that we can talk about and must talk about. Speaking it out loud can help the speaker listen to themselves!
Bill Merrington of Bournemouth University Chaplaincy and BMerri is one person that helps people around these issues daily, he helps show how to use the shovel to get out of the ditch, instead of using it to dig your way out. The chaplain of Bournemouth University is trained and compelled to be there for those suffering, including those who can’t speak up.
Depression does not mean you are by yourself. You’re not alone, and you’re not just a statistic; you are part of the human race. If you’re listening to this radio feature and have spoken up or haven’t, get in touch with Accessing Mental Health on the NHS Website, or for more information visit Live Well
Depression is said to affect 20% of people (according to MHF in 2014) which is actually quite a high number – and it probably affects more people than we originally thought; that’s just those who actually said they have the mental illness. Facilities, especially in education areas, are put in place so that suffering can be as neutralised as possible however we know that depression is more than just suffering with ‘feeling low’ and a quick fix is a long-shot.
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Produced by Andrew Clements